
UNADILLA: Two 3 bedroom apartments. Water, heat, lights and snow removal included. Washer, dryer & dishwasher. Rental insurance required. Call 607-783-2790 or email or 631-726-4519.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

NORWICH COURT Apartments STUDIO, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments and townhomes. Call for availability 607-334-6611.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

SIDNEY STUDIO APARTMENT, $700 per month, upstairs, modern renovations, includes: furnishings, hot water, parking, garbage removal, water/sewer, no pets, non smoking. Security, references 607-563-8600.

Norwich Pennysaver

SIDNEY PEACEFUL, ON SIDE road, spacious rooms, closets for all, 2 bedroom, second floor. Includes: Appliances, plus washer and dryer, hot water, trash removal, parking, window treatments $1050. Non smoking, no pets, security and references 607-563-8600.

Norwich Pennysaver

SIDNEY: Tri-Town & Valley View Apartments: 1&2 bedroom apartments; heat, hot water, garbage removal, appliances included. Security, credit check required, 8am-7pm, 607-245-9251.
Norwich Pennysaver

SIDNEY BEAUTIFUL 1st floor one bedroom apartment. New floors, freshly painted. Walk to all. $750/month plus electric. Owner pays water, sewer and garbage. No pets. One month's rent and one month's security. 917-693-0946.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

FORT PLAIN Two bedroom apartment with 1 1/2 new baths, new ceramic tile kitchen with appliances, gleaming hardwood floors, off street parking, 5 minute walk to stores and banks. $1,100 per month. Call/text 518-708-9760.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

SHERBURNE APARTMENT FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM, second floor, close to everything, beautiful building and a nice apartment. Includes heat, electric, water, off street parking and garbage. $900 a month and security required. Smoke free, no pets call 607-674-4444 or 315-750-6575 (cell).

Norwich Pennysaver

1 BEDROOM APT in center of Richfield Springs $600 Monthly Plus $600 Security Deposit Nothing included except for water and sewer No pets and no smoking Call or text 518-284-1119
Turnpike Pennysaver

CANAJOHARIE: Downstairs apartment comes with one car garage and driveway parking for two vehicles. Front entrance with patio 12x12, attached porch covered 16x5, and storage shed 7x5x6. Also includes shared laundry room. Heat, water, electricity included. Landlord available 24/7. Rent is $1,200 each month. References required. Call/text 518-848-4752.
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

OXFORD & NORWICH 1, 2 and 3 bedroom renovated apartments available. $900-$1375. All utilities included, pets allowed on a case by case basis. Non-smoking. Credit check, employment verification and landlord references required. Please call 845-467-2017.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper

STUDIO APARTMENT, Route 20, Sloansville, $475 + utilities, Call 518-231-2694.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

BAINBRIDGE: Three bedroom apartment $600 per month; one bedroom apartment $450 per month, no pets, good references. 914-486-9341 or 607-343-1476.
Norwich Pennysaver

Canajoharie: Downstairs apartment comes with one car garage and driveway parking for two vehicles. Front entrance. with a patio 12x12, attached porch covered 16x5, and storage shed 7x5x6. Also includes shared laundry room. Heat, water, electricity included. Landlord available 24/7. Rent is $1,200. Each month. References required. Call/text 518-848-4752
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper