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DRY MULCH HAY. $2.00 a bale. Delivery available within 30 miles of Guilford. Eighty bales available. 607-226-9092.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

LOOKING FOR a small manure spreader 240-707-8660 (McDonough)
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

FOR SALE: 60 bales round mulch hay, make offer. Can help load. Located in McDonough. 203-314-4245.
Norwich Pennysaver

YORK RAKE MODEL RW 7' like new, used twice, Cat 1, 3 point hitch. $2200 firm 607-316-0293.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

QUALITY HAY solid bales. $5 a bale. Oneonta area. Call 607-725-1843.
Turnpike Pennysaver

WANTED TO BUY: Tractors, any condition. I pay cash. James MacFadden Jr. 518-284-2090
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

LOGS/TIMBER BAILLIE LUMBER CO., buyer of hardwood & veneer logs, standing timber. Smyrna Sawmill, 607-627-6547. Year round purchaser of roadside logs. Immediate payment and trucking available. Call Sean Karn 315-436-3588 or email at

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

EXCESS HAY FOR SALE. 4x4 dry round bales, $20 each. 607-895-6624.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

JOHN DEERE 146 LOADER JOHN DEERE 146 Loader with frame. Pins are tight, no repair welds. Tractor not included. $3,500 or best offer. Johnstown, NY. Contact at 518-705-2065.

Schoharie Valley MyShopper

WE BUY FARM machinery. One piece or full line. Frank Walker, Inc. 607-829-5172 website:
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

OUR 1 PRICE IS YOUR BEST PRICE! YOU'LL FIND a great selection of new and preowned vehicles at the best price. Find your next car, SUV or truck at Matthews Ford. More. Every way. Every day. 175 E. Main St. Norwich across from Chenango County Fairgrounds, 607-334-3273, Hours: Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm; Friday 9am to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 4pm.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

POLE BARN PACKAGES, metal roofing & siding. Great prices. Best in the area! Homeowners & contractors welcome. Mountaintop Enterprises, 2726 State Hwy. 7, Bainbridge, NY, 607-967-4877.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

SHOP LOCAL- IT MATTERS SUPPORT YOUR local businesses. Thank you for dining and shopping locally. Your support has never been more important to our community businesses. Thank you.

Schoharie Valley MyShopper

2022 POLARIS SPORT 570 four-wheeler, brand new, only 30 actual miles, $8,000 firm; 310 Case bucket dozer, 4 cylinder, diesel, $6,000; old 8N Ford tractor $2000 or best offer. Call 315-556-4955.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FOR SALE: John Deere 60 tractor and front end loader to go with it. Works good $3,200 or best offer. 200 Mumbulo Road, Edmeston, NY 13335.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

TRAILERS - Dump, Landscape, Equipment Cargo, Utility, in stock, great selection. Call for information. North Norwich Motors & Trailer Sales, Route 12, North Norwich, NY. 607-334-6956.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

WANTED TO BUY: building jacks, screw type. 607-226-1256.
Norwich Pennysaver

HAY EARLVILLE SMALL SQUARE BALES 1st cutting $3.50 per bale, 2nd cutting $4.50 per bale. Dry 4x4 bales $35 each. Baleage 4x4 1st cutting $30-$40 per bale. 2nd cutting baleage $45 per bale. 315-691-4806 or 315-351-6501.

Norwich Pennysaver

FOR SALE: Hereford service bulls, 2 year, 1 year old. Nine brown egg laying chickens. NI corn picker JD bucket loader. 607-627-6677.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

PIGS FOR SALE (BUY ONE GET ONE FREE) WE ARE SELLING piglets and feeders - we over bred this year so you win! All clean fed. All heritage breed crosses. 631-793-5633.

Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

BALEAGE $25 Each. Can deliver 607-334-5908.
Norwich Pennysaver

FOUND: Two stray pigs. 120 Burtonville Road, Sprakers, NY 12166.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

4x4 ORGANIC ROUND bales, $15 and up, out of the field, delivery extra, call 518-420-6527.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

PROCESSING Now Booking Appointments for Hog & Beef Processing. 607-847-8234.

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

KUBOTA B163 tractor with loader. Four wheel drive. Needs work. $1995 or best offer call 518-239-5926.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

LOOKING TO BUY HEALTHY FULL BLOODED Jersey cow. Either registered or not-registered. 3-7 years old. I currently have some and want to enlarge my herd. I like fawn colored Jerseys that are on the smaller size. They will be well taken care of. I have a nice field and barn. We can get into more details when you call me. I will pay between $2,000-$2,500 each. 518-588-0188.

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

We are selling piglets and feeders- we overbred this year so you win! All clean fed. All heritage breed crosses. 631-793-5633

Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper - The Gazette

EQUIPMENT WANTED: buying farm and construction equipment of all kinds. One piece or multiples at a time. Renwick’s Equipment, 607-287-8307
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FOR SALE: 2024 1st and 2nd baleage, 2023 1st and 2nd baleage, more you buy better the pricing 607-783-2342 for pricing.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

WANTED: Belly mower for IH Cub tractor, call 315-870-0975.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

Tractor for sale
1968 Ford 5000 diesel tractor. Runs good, good tires, works real well. $5000. Call 607-287-7295.

Turnpike Pennysaver

FOR SALE: Gehl 700 Chopper/3038 2 RW Corn & HA 1000 grass head/hydraulic turn - 540 PTO; Gehl 610 Silage Wagon needs floor; McCormick Grain Drill; Brillion Seeder - 8 ft.; 2 steel push carts; Ralco Bedding Chopper 8HP gas motor; 2-4' floor fans; 1-3' floor fan wired 220. Call 607-783-2342 leave message will call back.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

THREE POLLED Hereford feeder size bull calves. Four month old Border Collie, good watch dog. Free kittens. 607-693-1047.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

First cutting square 45-50lb hay bales for sale. Never wet green Timothy and grass hay good for horses. $4.00 & $3.00/bale. Pick up at the farm pole barn. Help available to load it. 315-837-4331
Norwich Pennysaver

Wanted: Massey Ferguson MF41 Dyna Balance three point hitch sickle bar mower for parts. 518-258-8389
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

John Deere 146 Loader
John Deere 146 Loader with frame. Pins are tight, no repair welds. Tractor not included. $3500 obo Johnstown NY Contact @ 518-705-2065

Schoharie Valley MyShopper

6' AC SICKLE Mower PTO driven, needs knives. I need room. $99 quick sale. 607-373-3668.
Norwich Pennysaver

Yorkshire/Idaho Pasture Pig cross piglets for sale. Currently 2 months old. Located in Knox, NY $100 each. Call or text 518-872-2005
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FOR SALE One Mueller bulk tank 1500 gallon & one variable speed milking machine pump. Excellent condition. 607-316-0475.
Norwich Pennysaver - Turnpike Pennysaver

YORKSHIRE/IDAHO Pasture Pig cross piglets for sale. Currently 2 months old. Located in Knox, NY. $100 each. Call or text 518-872-2005.
Schoharie Valley MyShopper

LOOKING FOR a small manure spreader 240-707-8660 (McDonough)
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver

GARLIC FRESH CLEAN dry white German garlic. Able to fill large orders $5 - $8 per pound. Call Phil at 518-231-1965.

Norwich Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

FIRST CUTTING SQUARE 45- 50 lb. hay bales for sale. Never wet green Timothy and grass hay good for horses. $4 & $3/bale. Pick up at the farm pole barn. Help available to load it. 315-837-4331.
Norwich Pennysaver

HAY FOR SALE: Square bales $2.50a bale off wagon. Round bales 4 x 4 out of field $20. Town of Worcester 518-729-9129
Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper

NH782 CHOPPER WITH grasshead $2500. Gehl970 Bezter tandem axle unloading wagon. NH28 blower $3000. All shed kept field ready, 10 hp electric motor with Directal switch 607-656-4061.
Norwich Pennysaver - Wharton Valley MyShopper - Turnpike Pennysaver - Schoharie Valley MyShopper